- According to the 2002 census, women from Ukraine and Russia outnumber men by approx. 10 Millions.
- By tradition, Ukraine women and Russian women are very family oriented and seek to form a strong family.
- Because they cannot find a suitable partner in their own country, many decide to look for a foreign husband.
- Not for economics or any other reason; simply because they wish to fulfill their dream: become a beautiful Russian wife.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Are Ukrainian Women And Russian Women Really Seeking Foreign Husbands?
Finding an Eastern European Bride | Look Beyond the Photo and Read Her Profile

The problem with this may be that there may not seem to be many women around you who possess all of these attributes that are available – and the ones that are tend to have both a string of admirers and an attitude. If this seems to be the case where you are there is still hope: in many countries there is a severe shortage of nice, intelligent, and stable men!
Russia and Eastern Europe are perfect examples of this. In Russia alone there is currently a ration of 88 men for every 100 women – meaning there are ten million more Russian women than men. This is a huge imbalance; and it’s very likely that there may be a woman among those ten million permanently single ladies that may be right for you.
While this is encouraging to many men, we recommend you not lose yourself in the thrill of the chase and become “greedy” – that is, fanatic about finding a Russian or Ukrainian woman who is perfect in every way, and as young as you can get.
Keep in mind that the greater age difference there is between you and your lady means that there is a higher possibility of your marriage failing – you’d be in different stages of your lives, after all! We recommend keeping the age difference to a maximum of 10 years for best results.
Take a look at Bridesofukraine for a look at your dream woman. Using the search function you can control for age, height, weight, education, foreign language knowledge, kids, even eye color and hair length! You can also add your own data, to see which women are looking for a guy like you.
Remember to look at the woman’s profile as well as her picture – and keep an open mind! You never know what wonderful woman may be available to you.
I Want To Meet a Russian Woman – Importance of Your Profile
Beautiful Russian Girl
He also talks about the importance of being honest about your physical characteristics and don’t overstate the facts. After all, you will eventually need to meet the person on the other end of the letters and she will know the truth about your physic at that time. There is no need to lie about yourself since most of these Russian and Ukrainian girls are interested more in your character and how you will treat her. Even an average guy that knows how to treat a woman with respect and honesty will win out over the dishonest “hunk” of a man without a doubt. Something to keep in mind.
Meeting Russian Women for Marriage – A Great Profile is a Necessity!
Think about how important a girls profile is in regards to whether or not you will want to contact her and take the next step. A profile that does not stand out does not catch your attention, and thus you just throw it to the bottom of the pile, so to speak. Well has it ever occurred to you that if your profile does not “shine” on a dating website that a potential mate will do the same when they read your profile? It is vital that you have a great profile, and here I am going to show you a few things that you need to include in order to make finding the perfect Russian woman a success.
Make sure that you are completely honest in your profile. Of course you want to make yourself sound good and appealing to the opposite sex, but at the same time you do not need to lie to these Russian beauties. Just be honest and upfront about your hobbies, interest, and things of that nature.
Another important thing to consider is the individual appeal of your profile. You need to be different, and stand out from the crowd. Now I know you might be thinking, “Nothing in my life stands out.” This is simply not true; you probably have a talent or skill that some women will find attractive, even if most American women see it as odd or weird. You do not need to be afraid to be yourself. Just be sincere!
When you are creating your profile, it is important that a Russian girl sees your sense of humor. Russian women love men that have a good sense of humor, but it is also important that you do not come off as vulgar or offensive. There are many gentlemen on this website, so if you portray yourself as someone that is looking for sex, and not a relationship or marriage, then you will not attract favor from any of these women. And Russian women do not like men that drink alcohol in excess. Very important point!
Another thing that beautiful Russian women looking for a date do not want to here is your problems. Do not portray yourself as a man who feels sorry for himself. Do you know what this will show a Russian girl? It will show her that you are weak, and not capable of taking care of her. If you have your own sob story, and cannot get over something that has happened to you in your life, then how are you going to successfully court a beautiful woman of any ethnicity?
It is also important to consider the accuracy of your physical description. A lot of men try to define themselves as Greek Gods, with a perfect body. It is not necessary to be a perfect physical specimen in order to attract beautiful females. “What Russian women want are real men, men they can laugh with and just have a good time!” You would be surprised to know that many Russian women do not care about looks very much at all. And too that point, age is not a great barrier either, within limits of course.
Finally, it is crucial that you have a picture attached to your profile. For starters, women do want to see what you look like. You do not have to be a great looking guy, but you need to give the woman something to go by. In addition to this, not going through the effort to even put up a picture shows the gorgeous Russian women your lack of commitment. They will think to themselves, “If he cannot even put a picture up, how committed will he be to me?” Use a photo that depicts you in your natural environment. If you are a man who loves the outdoors, use a photo from a hiking or camping trip. Surely, these will be activities you will want your partner too share.
So, these are a few of the things that you need to do in order to setup a successful profile. These tips work for any kind of online dating to0, not just a foreign bride search. We all know how important first impressions are, so go ahead and make sure that you make a good first impression today!
Is it safe to use a Ukrainian marriage / Dating agency?
Some sites sell ladies email addresses and contact details to members - they just want your money!
- How can an agency have the best interests of the lady foremost if they sell her contact details and then have nothing to do with what happens from that point. What if the man has a criminal record or has bad intentions? Do they care?
- If the man finds that the lady is not for him, does he then come back to my site and buy another email address? This sounds like a very convenient arrangement between the site and the lady to extract money from men.
- IMBRA law says that I need to get a declaration signed by every man who wishes to meet a lady that he met through a marriage agency website from the USA. This is not a choice – it is compulsory. How can I do this if I have no record of the man wishing to visit?
- My only concern is that the men and the ladies on the site are not scammed and that everything is done to make a blossoming romance possible. I lose all control and I can’t offer a money back guarantee if the man and the lady are corresponding privately. I do offer a money back guarantee if the correspondence is not genuine.
One of the reasons that I set up this site is because men get ripped off at many other sites – as do the Ukraine women who load their profile only to find that it is used to attract men and scam them for money. The ladies never receive any letters from men and are just used.
I can guarantee you that this site is 100% genuine. I will refund you if you find that you are scammed by a lady and my details are on the site for you to contact me at any time – photo, address, email address, phone number and Skype address. I am that sincere. Of course, I can’t guarantee that the women that you find attractive will automatically want you also – this is well beyond my control.
What I can guarantee is that your letter will go to your lady and that she will personally answer you. The letters go to both the ladies email and her agents email. This allows the agent to translate the letter and her reply so that there are no misunderstandings. This is why you pay to send messages – for the translation and the agency fees.
I have set up my site so that you only pay for what you want at the speed that you want. Some men like to write to many women every day and others like to write to just one woman every couple of days. The choice is yours and you are not committed to anything.
Make sure that Your First Date isn’t the Last One!
I would like to share some of the advices which you might find useful! First date is an always very special one; here are some things which you shouldn’t talk about with your date, if you don’t want her to get bored or irritated!
- Don’t talk about your personal (family, work or financial) problems.
- Don’t complain! You are a self confident and successful person!
- Don’t talk about any negative things! You should radiate optimism and concentrate on the positive things!
- Don’t get drunk! This will create a very bad impression; you can have a little drink, but no excessive drinking on a date!
- Don’t talk badly of your previous girl friends or wives.
- Don’t try to be witty and funny all the time! Jokes and humor are welcome, but it must come naturally! Also don’t smile all the time, this looks very silly and it makes her think you aren’t self confident person!
- Don’t brag. There are some exceptions from that rule, but be careful! If you have a really impressive story which will make you look in a good light, you can tell the story to your date. But try to make no special emphasis on it, usually women find it very easy to detect when you start boasting to make an impression! The safest way to lead the date is to concentrate on the woman you are sitting in front of and her interests!
- Don’t touch those topics: politics, religion and conspiracy theories.
- And more than all: don’t be too quite!
- Its normal to ask your date what would she like to do (if it wasn’t discussed earlier) and girls often say: “well, I don’t really know, what would you like to do?”- It’s important that you have prepared an answer to that question! You don’t want to look lost and clueless.
- Don't offer the lady to share the bill. When you ask a Ukrainian woman out she expects you to pick the bill at the restaurant or any other place you go out to.
I hope this little advice from years of organizing meetings helps you on your first date
Friday, July 8, 2011
Is it Rude to Meet More Than One Lady in Ukraine?
Family Life With Russian Brides: What To Expect
Do you think that a Russian woman can be an ideal partner for you? Or you’re not sure it’s for you? Well now, this article will tell you why it’s completely for you!
Men looking for traditional brides often choose to marry Russian brides. These ladies from Russia might make preferable spouses for these men as they tend to adhere to traditional family standards and gender roles. Even so, they still may desire to live in their husband’s country and look forward to the new possibilities of a life overseas, away from their home country. With this, many women in this country purposely seek out international husbands to marry.
Indeed, patriarchal standards still makeup most of the way culture in Russia evolves. Men stand as the uncompromising heads of the families and women are expected to be subservient to them. Men do not help with taking care of children or household chores the way Western men often do. Women in that country sometimes work outside their homes and then receive no help from their husbands or other male relatives at home. They may view their life as difficult.
To escape this lifestyle and to explore the possibility of creating a happier future for themselves, young women may choose to join social groups that encourage international dating. Men from all over, including the U. S., Great Britain, and Australia, travel to Russia to meet ladies whose ideal goal is to be married and to have children. Once a lady agrees to marry a gentleman, she typically travels to his country and begins a new life overseas.
Her life in a new country does not include necessarily her leaving behind her beliefs and her culture. In fact, she may be firm about her role as a wife and mother, not wanting to work outside the home, and expecting her husband to serve the family’s leader and sole provider. Yet, she may also tell her husband that she expects him to help take care of his children once in awhile and to help with the occasional household chore.
Even more, she may observe that societies in Western countries tend to be more respectful of women than societies in other parts of the world. American TV shows and movies typically portray women as being in positions of power and their husbands ask their opinions and advice. Ladies from more restrictive cultures may be envious of this lifestyle and want to live in the same manner.
Women with Slavic heritages are observed to be beautiful and have appearances that include blue eyes and high cheekbones. These physical characteristics are specific to that region of the world and may be preferred by some men than the appearances of American women.
Moreover, females in the United States can be thought of as being independent to the point of not being willing to forgo their careers in favor of marriage and raising children. As such, if a man wants such a wife, he often will choose to go to Russia and find a wife.
Russian brides satisfy this desire for men who want a mother and wife in their homes, someone who will take care of the family and their children. As such, men will go to Russia and find young ladies who want this same goal in life. Once they are wed, the newlyweds move to the man’s country to begin their lives together.
Russian Brides – Who Are They?
Are you searching for a pretty Russian bride? Russia is the place to be, since the fall of the iron curtain thousands of men from around the world have discovered one of Russia’s biggest secrets, their beautiful women.
Lately, thousands of young Russian and Ukrainian ladies have come to the USA and European countries by means of marriage and were unkindly labeled "Russian mail-order brides". However who are these ladies, extremely? Why are they ready to go away everything behind, to go to an unknown country and live with an unknown man? Will a Russian bride very be a sensible resolution for a Western man? We have a tendency to can attempt to demystify the phenomenon of mail-order-brides.
Why do Russian women need to marry foreigners?
There are thousands of dating services that includes young, lovely Russian girls who are looking for Western husbands. There are such a lot of ladies that it might appear all of the young females in Russia have set to depart their country. This is often only an illusion, though. Russia and Ukraine are terribly massive countries with huge populations, and ladies who are looking for husbands abroad represent less than 0.01% of all single Russian women.
The ladies, who place their ads with dating services, hoping to seek out a husband in the USA or Europe, have numerous reasons to try and do so. The most common reason is that they need heard from friends and therefore the media that Western men treat girls higher than Russian men do. They have heard that drinking is not such a drawback in these Western countries as it’s in Russia, which men truly care for their families.
Thus, the common perception that mail-order brides are looking for a higher lifestyle is not quite right. In reality, they’re looking out for a higher man than they’ll get in Russia or Ukraine. See more data regarding single Russian women who are looking for Western husbands.
What makes Western men to appear for a Russian bride?
At first look, it might appear very strange that so several men are prepared to spend thousands, to bring an overseas wife to their country and struggle with all the differences of language and culture. Would not it’s easier to seek out a decent wife at home?
Western men have many reasons, to appear for Russian wives:
? Some are fascinated by Russian culture and want a partner who wouldn’t solely share this fascination, but really be a part of this culture
? Some are middle-aged men, who were sad in an exceedingly previous relationship but are ready to try again, with a girl who continues to be young enough to possess children. As you recognize, in Western culture marriages with age variations of five years, or more, aren’t common; therefore, if a man were forty five-50, he would be unlikely to find a partner underneath 40 years old, in his own country
? And some are men who, for one reason or another, are dissatisfied with the women in their own country. Russian women are less materialistic, a lot of ancient and female than their Western sisters, and this sort of a woman appeals to many men.
What’s the success rate – can finding a wife from Russia can very work for a western man?
It works for many men: there are thousands of Russian-Western couples that are terribly happy together. There are sad ones in addition, though, and the usual causes are: a woman cannot modify to a life in a very new country; each partners had unrealistic expectations before wedding; or they can’t work through their cultural variations, so mutual understanding is rarely achieved.
Whereas operating with several Russian-Western couples I noticed a pattern, though: happily married men are usually the ones who weren’t looking for a ‘Russian bride’, but for a partner to live with. They also learned a lot regarding Russian culture and traditions and put some effort into making their woman feel happy and welcome in her new home. If a person is prepared to figure through the minor difficulties, beginning a family with a Russian girl can be very rewarding.
Russian Brides – How Much Younger Should Your Ideal Russian Date Be?
Conquering the heart of a beautiful young woman is just about every single older man’s dream, and many of the Russian girls you will meet on online dating sites are indeed looking for just the stability such a relationship promises.
Ekaterina |
Svetlana |
Svetlana_1 |
Liliya |
Maryna |
Polina |
But how much is too much when it comes to the age gap between you and your Russian bride?
What disparity between years is reasonable for Russian brides?
So there are some probable motives why it looks like Russian women dream about much older guys: • The dating service told her that it will be much simpler for her to find an older guy, and that she would be able to make up her mind afterwards if she wants to date him (agencies need clients!!!). • She did not put down age of her prospective partner in the application because she did not think that it’s important, or just left it behind. • The advertisement? are written by girls looking for “rich” men and directed to the most efficient clients. Actually you should remember that there are VERY FEW ladies who probably DO prefer a MUCH older man. But still have an opportunity meet a younger lady, and even MUCH younger. Just be a realist and do not forget that 10-15 years disproportion is the limit, otherwise you will face troubles at a later stage.
Tatyana |
Olga_1 |
Alexandra |
Alexandra |